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美国俱乐部--What I have seen in American Schools--Liu Yang
    During the study in the America, I had visited four schools in Springfield, the capital city of Illinois State. I will give the details of what expressed me these days.
  The minute I set my feet on school, I saw the simple generous, and practical doors to school. On campus - drinkable water in the corridors; big mouth trash and easy lunchtables. Tissue paper is available in convenient and spacious bathrooms. I did not see expensive plastic track but the sizes of sports ground  are capable for all students to practice playing simple board. Also, schools offer a variety of sports facilities, effective use of the aisles, open spaces to studnts. A mosquito net can become a butterfly breeding base for students.
  Classrooms and teachers are always combined into one office. It is a more convenient way of communication between teachers and students. Teachers desks are in the corner of classroom. I have even seen teachers at noon on the corner heating food in the microwave for lunch. The doors are always personalized welcome words. They put soft carpets to reduce the interior noise, and remind people to walk lightly without disturbing other people. Air conditioning is necessary, which allows teachers and students to work in comfortable temperature. The classrooms have put a few Internet-connected computers, put some books and one or two textbooks, which greatly helps students' learning.Look at these beautiful arrangement : a variety of "works" of the students are in the publish garden, all kinds of rules, study guides, motivational slogans, photos remind their friends' birthday calendar, creating a family atmosphere- warm, personal, thoughtful, and convenient.
  I did't see teachers use much of multimedia in the classroom, They prefer to face the students in class rather than face the computer, preferring direct communication between teachers and students and cooperative learning groups. Teachers pay more attention to stimulating interest and effective communication between students
  American education has much to learn from for me. But I feel the most is  "people with the practical," not a waste, not luxury, not speaking too much, and not showing off, however, it is care, consideration and respect.I think "people with the practical" education should be the essence of American culture as well as the United States.