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美国俱乐部--My unforgettable experience in America-Sun Lulu
    I am very glad to have this opportunity to visit America. It is the great treasure I will value in my whole life. From this experience, I learned a lot from Americans, esp. their way of life and education systems.
  Firstly, learning in Roosevelt University, Chicago. I want to say "thank you" to Gary, John, Jane, Rubee, Saema and the most important person---Nancy, our teacher in Roosevelt. When we arrived in Chicago, it was the time for final exams and the next days were winter holidays. But Roosevelt University arranged everything perfectly so that we had a wonderful time there. Our courses included both classroom activities and out-class activities. They are a good combination so I felt everyday was quite different and were curious about my lessons.
  From classroom activities I learned some new teaching methods and language teaching theories, such as webquest (I have never tried this in my classes before), multiple intelligences, and ways of evaluation. Nancy always organized some interesting activities, which can make us experience things by ourselves.
  From out-class activities I can broad my horizon and learned and experienced something in person. Because time is very limited, we only visit some of the museums, such as the Field Museum, the Museum of Science and Industry, the Art museum, the History museum. It was just beyond my imagination. There are more than five big museums in Chicago, while in China, maybe it's difficult to find one big museum in some cities. Although America is a young country, it has their own culture and civilization. American government and people paid more attention to their history and culture. During winter holiday, I saw many parents take their children to all kinds of museums and spent the whole day there. I talked to  one of the parents, and he said:' We Americans like visiting museums and it is just part of our life. I often take my children here. They like to go to museums and they are interested in our countries' history and culture." Yes, that is the Americans way of thinking, way of life. Everyone is proud of their country and everyone loves their country from their bottom of heart. From this period of study, I just draw a conclusion: Experience is our best teacher. Experience more, learn more.
  Secondly, I want to share my ideas about my classroom observation in Springfield, Illinois. I am grateful to MR.Gary and DR.Milton's help so we can have this wonderful experience.  As we all know, Education is one of the most important things during our life. And there is no doubt that American high education is the best in the world, but when we refer to the basic education, we may have different opinions. We must admit  the differences between Chinese education and American education.
  First of all, in Chinese education, Chinese think it is basic to have calculation skills so everybody has to remember the entire concept. So, from elementary school to high school you are not allowed to use a calculator.However, it is allowed in U.S. Americans think calculators go fast and are correct. So, when both students have an exam, then Chinese are better than American students. But when both students use some information tools, then Americans are really better than Chinese students. As a result, Chinese students are better than American students when they manage and exploit cerebra, but when we compare how to use different information or how to spread cerebra, the American students are better than Chinese students.
  Besides, our Chinese education is for foundation education, while American education is for the cultivation of students' creativity and imagination. In China, teachers arrange everything for students and all students should follow teachers' instructions and rules, while in America, students do activities and every student is paid enough attention to. If they have any questions, then they can interrupt teachers and ask the questions immediately. (Because in China, there  are more than50 even 60 students in one class. In America, there are only 10-18 students in one class.)
  Furthermore, China and America have totally different traditions and exams. Chinese education focuses on the knowledge to accumulate and indoctrinate, on how students use and manage the knowledge they learned in school, and on how to understand the knowledge system and structure. On the contrary, Americans care more about how students use knowledge in society. They even have social centers where students can learn some practical skills for their future development. It lets student challenge the knowledge, animadvert ideas, and focus on, exploit or create knowledge.
  Last but not the least, American education pay more attention to students' characters, personalities and good manners. There are a lot of good and meaningful sentences on the blackboard, on the walls of shelves, classrooms , in the corridors, maybe everywhere. For example, in Lanphier high school, you can find the motto-Be excellent. Be disciplined. Be involved. Be respectful. Be prepared.-everywhere. And Lanphier is called "Home of Lions". For another example, in southeast high school, you can see:3R'S in the corridor, which means Respect yourself. Respect others. Respect your school. And southeast high school is called "Home of Spartans". So every school has their own culture and features, which can make the students have a sense of belonging. In school, students not only can learn knowledge but also  can improve their self-determination, independence, while, Chinese education focuses on knowledge, strictness and preciseness.
  In a word, two different types of education come from two different culture, tradition and society background. The good American education system may not be good for Chinese society. So, different education has to follow the social background. Because different society backgrounds and different culture help humans create a different country in the world. Anyway, we only need modern education which is a good combination of internationalization education system and localization education systems.
  At last,  please allow me to say thank you again. Thank you, my school---you choose me to be here. Thank you, Dalian Education Bureau and Dalian Education Institute---you offer us this opportunity and give us so much financial help. At last,  I want to say thank you again and again from my bottom of my heart to MR Gary---It was you who spent the 70days with us and took good care of us. It was you who picked us up at the airport no matter how cold,  no matter how late, no matter how tired . It was you who made our life colorful and meaningful. It was you who proved Chinese can be very successful in American society as long as we work hard. Thank you very much, Gary.  I really appreciate.